* Vuex getters, used via `this.$store.getters`, e.g.:
* `this.$store.getters['jv/get'](<args>)`
* @namespace getters
* @memberof module:jsonapi-vuex.jsonapiModule
* @param {object} conf - a jsonapi-vuex config object
import get from 'lodash.get'
import { JSONPath } from 'jsonpath-plus'
import { utils } from './jsonapi-vuex'
export default (conf) => {
// Short var name
let jvtag = conf['jvtag']
return {
* Get record(s) from the store
* @memberof module:jsonapi-vuex.jsonapiModule.getters
* @param {(string|object)} data
* @param {string} - A URL path to an item - e.g. `endpoint/1`
* @param {object} - A restructured object - e.g. `{ _jv: { type: "endpoint", id: "1" } }`
* @param {string} jsonpath - a JSONPath string to filter the record(s) which are being retrieved. See [JSONPath Syntax](https://github.com/dchester/jsonpath#jsonpath-syntax)
* @return {object} Restructured representation of the record(s)
get: (state, getters) => (data, jsonpath, seen) => {
let result
if (!data) {
// No data arg - return whole state object
result = state
} else {
const [type, id] = utils.getTypeId(data, false)
if (type in state) {
if (id) {
if (id in state[type]) {
// single item
result = state[type][id]
} else {
// No item of that type
return {}
} else {
// whole collection, indexed by id
result = state[type]
} else {
// no records for that type in state
return {}
// Follow relationships
result = utils.checkAndFollowRelationships(state, getters, result, seen)
// Filter by jsonpath
if (jsonpath) {
const filtered = JSONPath({ path: jsonpath, json: result })
if (Array.isArray(filtered)) {
result = {}
for (let item of filtered) {
result[item[jvtag]['id']] = item
return result
* Get the related record(s) of a record from the store
* @memberof module:jsonapi-vuex.jsonapiModule.getters
* @param {(string|object)} data
* @param {string} - A URL path to an item - e.g. `endpoint/1`
* @param {object} - A restructured object - e.g. `{ _jv: { type: "endpoint", id: "1" } }`
* @return {object} Restructured representation of the record(s)
getRelated: (state, getters) => (data, seen) => {
const [type, id] = utils.getTypeId(data, false)
if (!type || !id) {
throw 'No type/id specified'
let parent = get(state, [type, id])
if (parent) {
return utils.getRelationships(getters, parent, seen)
return {}